What People Say About Gwiz Learning & GWiz NLP Training


I had a great week and look forward eagerly to working with you both again.

Thank you for everything, I went to my friend’s funeral today and the work we had done really helped me through with this,
framing it in a beautiful way and making the less than easy fact more acceptable, so a really big thanks.

It was a fantastic week, thank you both for making it such fun to learn and explore new things. I was on a real high last night
and to add to it, did a SWISH technique on a client!!!

Thank You for a fantastic 9 days!!! I am really glad that I went ahead, and got over the dog phobia!

Still assimilating the most amazing 9 days of my life and really excited about where the journey will take me.

Still assimilating the most amazing 9 days of my life and really excited about where the journey will take me.

The programme has created a real shift in me, and I’m finding it so exciting being able to use my learning to help others – I’m having some real ‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull’ moments!

I’m noticing so much now as I’m speaking to others – their language patterns, sensory information.

I’ve also reached new levels of self-awareness that I never felt possible.
I’m really looking forward to refining my new skills and finding exciting new applications for them.

Many thanks for a wonderful experience over the past 9 days.
It’s been a brilliant journey for me – definitely a road worth travelling.


Melody Cheal MSc MAPP
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