NLP Videos

NLP Business Videos

  1. Handling Resistance to Change with NLP

Joe Cheal presents a series of videos about change and how we tend to resist it.  Change is an inevitable part of organisational life and yet so many people struggle when it affects them directly. Through an excellent range of tools, NLP can help people in overcoming their resistance and fear during times of change.


NLP Patterns Videos

  1. The Language Patterns of Captain Jack Sparrow

A series of videos of Joe Cheal, from the GWiz Learning Partnership, speaking at the NLP Conference November 2011.  This session, focussing on the ‘language patterns of deliberate confusion’, was designed to be a bit of fun, whilst being an analysis of some of Captain Jack’s styles of speech.


Radio Interview –

Creating Ripples – Melody Cheal

Click here to hear the interview.

Melody Cheal MSc MAPP
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