When you ask, what are the skills a Coach uses, you might want to bear in mind “how long is a piece of string?” There are some skills that all…
Gwiz Learning, Inspiring Natural Potential
Courses and Training for Hypnotherapy, NLP and Coaching in Kent. Sussex and London
When you ask, what are the skills a Coach uses, you might want to bear in mind “how long is a piece of string?” There are some skills that all…
So you can have an understanding of Drama in the Coaching Room this week I will lay out the theory in a little more detail. As already mentioned Transactional Analysis…
This week I will start by exploring how Coaches are invited into the Drama. So let me clarify what I am talking about. The models and ideas for this series…
A series of articles about using Transactional Analysis in Coaching and Supervision
What is Coaching Supervision? Read the results of a survey plus a detailed explanation from experienced Master Trainer, Coach and Supervisor Melody Cheal
Have you considered the importance of recognising emotions in Coaching? Let me expand, how good are you at recognising your own emotions? How about emotions in your clients? Recognising or…
Are you an experience Coach looking for the next step in your development. Maybe it is time to consider becoming a Coaching Supervisor.
An insight what drives Coaches to sometimes taken on Clients they are not equipped to deal with. The author uses models from Transactional Analysis to help explain this unconscious process.
This is for you if you are a Coach or want to become a Coach and you want to know how Transactional Analysis can be used in Coaching.
The relationship contract, client’s outcomes (goals) and tasking In my individual Supervision sessions and Supervision Groups I sometimes notice a Coach who will launch straight into the “story” they want…