Do you know what self-care is?

Find your authentic self by stepping outside your comfort zone as part of your self-care practice

How well are you nurturing yourself?

This week I would like to start a new series of discussions on self-care beginning with an introduction. Over the next few weeks I will expand on this theme.

What is self-care?

My definition of self-care is the operationalisation of healthy self-esteem. Healthy self-esteem is where you recognise your own value and worth as a human being and crucially also recognise the value and worth of others.

When you recognise your own worth and value you look after yourself on all levels, physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. You ensure that you remain healthy in relationships including intimate, family, friends, colleagues and even with chance encounters.

I will share my thoughts and include some ideas about how to develop your personal practice of self-care more fully. I welcome interaction and discussion so will be setting up a forum for discussion (more details coming soon).

Self-disclaimer: I am a work in progress myself. Most of us are, no matter how much personal development you have. When I self-assess I estimate that 90% of time I am in a healthy place particularly however there are some areas still requiring some attention.

I will be using this series myself to continue my journey.

Will you join me?

Next week we will begin the journey with some self-assessment and a place to start making changes.

Melody Cheal MSc MAPP
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